Tuesday 28 February 2012

SashaFans T-Shirt Store:

We're on the lookout for a few of you to help us design some shirts for our store! 
This is a great opportunity to show off your creative skills, and to showcase your work in our store!

We're looking, firstly, for people with innovative and original ideas, who will be willing to work in collaboration with us to bring the other #Sashanistas some great T-shirt designs!

Secondly, we're looking for people with a sound knowledge of creating pixel images/working with PhotoShop or other photo editing suites. - Although, this point is not essential, but preferably desirable.

And lastly, we're looking for people with a sense of humor, who can think up some great slogans for our shirts and designs.

If you feel like you fit the bill for this, please don't hesitate in contacting to participate, or even for more information on what we'd like you to do for us!

You can contact us through:
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Tumblr
  • Email
  • or respond to this post!

Friday 17 February 2012

Sasha's New Photoshoot: A Preview

<div><script src="http://cdn1.whosaystatic.com/widgets/photoembedwidget/photoEmbedWidget.js" type="text/javascript"></script><div><script type="text/javascript">WhoSayPhotoEmbed.create({vanityRoot: "http://www.whosay.com/sashaalexander", clientName: "Sasha Alexander", vanityLink: "http://www.whosay.com/sashaalexander/photos/132072", photoId: "http://media.whosay.com/132072/132072_la.jpg", title: "Here&#039;s a cool pic from today&#039;s shoot!", width: "481", height: "644" })</script></div></div>

Tuesday 7 February 2012

NCIS 9x14

This post does contain spoilers, and we will bare those in mind who do not want to be spoiled.
See after the READ MORE:

Saturday 4 February 2012

Coming & Going

Remember, 'Coming & Going' is released on DVD on Tuesday 7 Feb. You can order it now from amazon!